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Activity 2008


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Ancitel Lombardia’s training contributes to the development of the Public Administration culture by fostering the exchange of experiences and best practices among personnel from different entities. The programs offered in 2008 attracted over 16,000 attendees.


In the year 2008, negotiations were concluded to acquire the editorial management of the monthly magazine “Strategie Amministrative,” including the management of advertising and the online version, as in previous years.

In 2008, the new website of the magazine was launched, featuring multimedia contributions and reader comments.

Ancitel Lombardia also collaborated with Regione Lombardia in creating and managing two thematic websites on waste collection and disposal and gas distribution.

On behalf of the Province of Cremona, an information system for municipalities was developed and managed through newsletters, the website of the Provincial Trade Fair System, and promotional materials for the events of the System.

Support activities for event promotion and communication were conducted for the Non-Profit Organizations Agency (ONLUS).


In November 2008, the seventh edition of “RisorseComuni” took place, an event promoted by ANCI Lombardia and organized by Ancitel Lombardia, dedicated to promoting innovation and efficient resource management in local public administration.

Both institutions and companies operating in the field of local public administration were exhibitors and sponsors.


For almost a decade, Ancitel Lombardia’s Research sector has been conducting quantitative and qualitative investigations aimed at in-depth studies of various aspects concerning Lombardian Local Authorities.

In the year 2008, Ancitel Lombardia conducted numerous research activities commissioned by IreR, the Regional Research Institute of Lombardy, Regione Lombardia, and Lombardia Informatica.

In particular, the titles of the research conducted are:

– Description system of Lombardian municipalities’ aggregations.

– Definition of a system for detecting and analyzing the forms of associated management of services provided by Lombardian municipalities.

– Possible measures to reduce local taxes for third sector associations.

– Services offered by Lombardian municipalities for the school integration of disabled students.

– Simplification of administrative procedures in Lombardian public administration.

– Services for the right to education and the introduction of the school endowment: the municipalities’ perspective.


In 2008, a series of consulting interventions were carried out for Regione Lombardia on the topics of commerce and promotion of small and medium enterprises, activation of an information and support service for municipalities on waste collection and disposal and gas distribution, management of the second funding call for the acquisition of low or zero environmental impact vehicles by municipal administrations, and the development of a portal for local public services.

Consulting activities on information systems aimed to support change processes in individual municipal realities, the development of associated management, and the creation of a portal for immigration services.

For municipalities seeking to select the most suitable form of gas network management, legal assistance services were provided.

Operational assistance paths for privacy law application were defined and offered to address privacy-related issues.

Interventions were carried out for Lombardian municipalities to activate projects integrated into the new National Civil Service system.

The “Equity in Rete” project, focused on building local networks to promote the school integration of disabled individuals, constituted a significant area of activity, collaboratively managed with Iref (Regional Training Institute) and the Don Gnocchi Foundation.


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