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Services for Employment DoteComune


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Dotecomune is an opportunity to bring citizens closer to local Public Administration through continuous training initiatives primarily held in municipalities.

The participating entities offer citizens the opportunity to experience professional development paths within their own structures, ensuring constant support during on-the-job training and access to a personalized classroom training curriculum. At the end of the training path, extracurricular internship, certification of acquired professional skills is provided.

Dotecomune is an initiative of active citizenship, of democratic participation in the life of the civil community, promoting the skills that citizens need in the knowledge society. The extracurricular internships offered by municipalities are open to all citizens, without limitations based on origin or age.

Our goal is to disseminate and develop strategic skills to facilitate and support citizens in the transitions and changes necessary to deal with the increasingly complex daily projects.

Dotecomune, in addition to acquiring the necessary skills for the planned activities, contributes more generally to personal growth, understood in all its individual aspects and aspirations, and represents a determining factor in fostering the development of culture within and around Public Administration.

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    AnciLab Publisher Publications

    Validating and Certifying Competences

    Models, Trends, and Practical Applications

    The development of knowledge, professional qualifications, skills, and formal and informal competences is an essential prerequisite for fostering economic growth and employment, and for improving entry into and progression within the labour market.

    For information, contact:

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    Piercarlo Rivolta

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    Imtiaz Fahim Rokib

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    Loredana Stellacci

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