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Digital Transition Manager Service


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Article 17 of the Digital Administration Code establishes the importance of having a Digital Transition Manager (DTM) within the Administration.

But what does a DTM do exactly? Their role is crucial because they coordinate and implement a series of strategic objectives aimed at transforming the Administration into a digital and open structure.

Here are some of the main tasks:

  • Quality Digital Services:
    Improving the ability to generate and deliver digital services, simplifying processes, and updating the Entity’s website.
  • Enabling Platforms:
    Ensuring compliance with enabling platforms such as SPID, CIE, PagoPA, IO app, ANPR, and PND.
  • Cloud Computing:
    Migration to the cloud for more flexible and scalable management of digital services.
  • Interoperability:
    Developing and adapting the IT system to ensure communication and integration between different systems.
  • Open Data:
    Identifying dynamic datasets and API sharing automations to promote transparency and data accessibility.
  • Cybersecurity:
    Adhering to Minimum Security Measures and promoting awareness of cybersecurity.
  • Digital Skills:
    Developing digital skills within the Entity and providing training to citizens.
  • Dematerialization and Document Management:
    Promoting document dematerialization and improving document management.


AnciLab offers an annual support service to assist DTM in implementing these objectives. In the first year, we aid in drafting the Three-Year ICT Plan, following the “Format PT” scheme of AgID. This allows us to assess the status, define future objectives, and specific action plans for each theme.

For the years following the first, we offer services for reviewing the Three-Year ICT Plan and specialized support and project management on all issues related to digital transition.

Our mission is to help you achieve your goals strategically and with a clear vision. If you want to transform your Administration into a model of efficiency, contact us today! AnciLab is here to guide you through the Digital Transition.

AnciLab: Il tuo Partner per la transizione digitale

AnciLab offre un servizio di accompagnamento annuale per supportare i RTD nell’implementazione di questi obiettivi. Nel primo anno, offriamo assistenza nella stesura del Piano Triennale ICT, seguendo lo schema “Format PT” dell’AgID. Questo ci permette di valutare lo stato attuale, definire gli obiettivi futuri e le linee d’azione specifiche per ogni tema.

Per gli anni successivi al primo offriamo servizi di revisione del Piano Triennale ICT e supporto specialistico e project management su tutte le tematiche legate alla transizione al digitale.

La nostra missione è aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi in modo strategico e con una visione chiara. Se desideri trasformare la tua Amministrazione in un modello di efficienza, contattaci oggi stesso! AnciLab è qui per guidarti nella Transizione al Digitale.


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Procurement Procedures

The service of procurement procedures can be managed through the e-procurement platforms of Regione Lombardia (SINTEL) and/or the digital marketplace for purchases below the EU threshold for goods, services, and maintenance works (MEPA).

For information, contact:

Email Disc Solid Red

Elisabetta Martino