For over twenty years, we have been weaving a web of relationships and working on the development of networks with various public and private entities, both national and European. Over time, significant collaborations have emerged in response to funding calls such as ESF, AMIF, INTERREG, PON, ERASMUS, and others. Projects are carried out across a wide range of sectors involving local public administration. We are available to collaborate with entities in drafting projects of common interest.
European Project design service
We develop innovative projects at the European level
The project, lasting 30 months and in which AnciLab is a partner, aims to lead the green transformation through experimental workshops to create replicable models/practices in the culture and creativity sector, provide new solutions for improving cultural offerings, and experiment with new technologies in the field of sustainability.
The target audience of the initiative includes managers and operators in the Culture/Creativity sector of local Public Administrations, cultural associations, private organizations, third sector entities, as well as cultural/creative businesses.
Cooperation partnerships. The two-year European project, in which AnciLab is a partner, involves 5 European countries: Italy, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, and Spain.
The aim of the initiative is to contribute to the improvement of guidance services for young people transitioning from school to the world of work. AnciLab is responsible for both the quantitative and qualitative analysis, together with the University of Bologna, and for the development of a toolkit aimed at orientation professionals to understand and competently address the emotional and mental health of young people, identify relevant resources and services available at local, national, and international levels.
Furthermore, an international campaign on the mental and emotional needs of young people transitioning from school to work will be launched, targeting the scientific community, relevant stakeholders, and the public.
Becoming adults in an uncertain world: this is the subject of study of the MAYBE project. The three-year project, funded by Fondazione Cariplo, is coordinated by the University of Milan. The university research team is supported by AnciLab for dissemination and communication activities aimed at policy makers. Through a multi-method approach including secondary analysis, surveys with students, case studies, and local workshops, MAYBE analyses the transition to adulthood in Lombardy. The research focuses on the role of values in shaping young people’s preferences regarding leaving their parents’ home, with a specific emphasis on the interaction between values and the institutional context.
It is the project for adult education and Italian language learning to promote the integration of foreigners residing in Lombardy. It is a project funded by the Ministry of the Interior with FAMI 2014-2020 Programming funds, with Regione Lombardia as the lead partner, and implemented in collaboration with provincial adult education centres and the Regional School Office. The project offers courses for learning the Italian language as a tool for social and cultural integration. The aim of the project is to promote and support the integration process of foreigners residing in the Lombardy region. To facilitate attendance at the courses, services are provided to enhance skills and support the delivery of courses: Cultural Linguistic Mediation and Babysitting, school support services for adolescents with mothers in training.
Lab’Impact is the Regional Plan of interventions implemented in the Lombardy region for the integration of third-country nationals and financed by the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (FAMI 2014-2020). The aim is to strengthen and consolidate a multilevel governance system through a partnership that sees Regione Lombardia as the lead partner and a network of implementing entities consisting of 35 Territorial Areas, implementers of interventions at the local level and in turn lead partners of the territorial networks. The implementation of interventions is accompanied by two additional entities: Anci Lombardia and ISMU Foundation. AnciLab participated in the project with the detachment of personnel.
Read the PFD:
The YSD project aims to engage young people (aged 16-21) through a path of civic education and participation, strengthening their skills and offering them the opportunity to experience real involvement in local decision-making processes to rethink their cities and public spaces in favour of renovated buildings and more resilient neighbourhoods. YSD follows the methods of service design applied to the public sector. In particular, the approach draws inspiration from an experimental method for social innovation to help young people with fewer opportunities and NEETs. YSD is a project funded by the “Erasmus+ – European Youth Together” program and involves 6 countries: Italy, Greece, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, and Finland. In each country, a youth organization partner in the project is in contact with a Municipality, which is the local site for experimenting with YSD activities.
The project involves the development of institutional capacity within the municipal administrations of the Lombardy Region, with AnciLab being involved in strengthening community welfare, particularly focusing on organizational development, institutional relationships, and legal solutions involved in carrying out co-programming and co-design activities.
AnciLab participated in the project by providing support in managing the activities outlined in the cooperation agreement between the lead beneficiary, the Swiss lead partner, and project partners of the GOVERNA TI-VA project ID 643893 under the INTERREG V A “ITALY – SWITZERLAND 2014-2020” cooperation program, signed by Anci Lombardia on July 18, 2019. Anci Lombardia requested the support of AnciLab as its in-house company on April 1, ’20.
The e-book on territorial governance encapsulates the results of some activities carried out within the framework of the GovernaTI-VA project “Strengthening cross-border governance through the development of skills and models of local government”. Specifically, it is Product A3.3 of Work Package 3 “Context Analysis”. GovernaTI-VA is led by the Municipality of Varese in Italy and the University of Italian Switzerland – USI in Switzerland; project partners include ANCI Lombardia for Italy and, for Switzerland, the Local Authorities Section (SEL) of the Department of Institutions of the Canton of Ticino and the PPP Association of Lugano.
Download e-book of GOVERNA TI-VA project
The project, funded by Erasmus +, fundamentally proposes a model for validating and recognizing non-formal and informal competencies that can easily cater to a wide range of end-users, from volunteers to students, to all citizens with different purposes and objectives such as professional and personal development, employability, social inclusion, easier access to qualifications and training, integration, and mobility. Additionally, the operational structure underlying the model aims to support individuals in developing key transversal competencies, widely appreciated and demanded in various social, educational, and work contexts.
After 17 years from the entry into force of the Letta Decree, and 6 years from DM 226/2011, the first tenders for the natural gas distribution service have been published. The Gas PlaNet project stems from an experience already carried out in the Lombardy region, where ANCI Lombardia was involved in supporting the preliminary activities leading to the publication of tenders for 7 ATeMs, involving 230 Municipalities and a population of 3,322,395 inhabitants. This activity culminated in the modelling of a procedure for managing the instrumental activities for the preparation of the tender: from initiation to post-tender management. The transferring entities intend to transfer the model to the partner entities so that other administrations can also address the issue with a structured methodological approach, leading to the tendering of the service and ensuring that Municipalities receive interventions for network extension and modernization as well as economic revenues from the concession. AnciLab participated with staff detachment.
The project stems from a network experience involving approximately 650 municipalities in Lombardy. This experience concerns the organization of socio-economic integration programs using standardized, simplified, transparent, and effective procedures, involving unemployed, inactive, and student individuals in active citizenship and lifelong learning pathways at municipal offices. Municipalities are fundamental partners in the implementation of on-the-job training, as they effectively set up the framework within which experiences aimed at social inclusion and entry or re-entry into the job market are realized. The transformation of networking and co-design potential among multiple entities into quality services depends on the ability of the involved entities to develop a relationship. The challenges were based on strengthening trust among partners, sharing of rules and knowledge, aligning with service development principles, determining common guidelines regarding labour policies, promoting collaborative development, and standardize procedures and documentation.
The project arises from the convergence of experiences gained over the years by ReteComuni (a network of administrations involving over 150 entities). This multilevel network system has developed projects capable of obtaining recognition and the necessary financial resources for the development of the good practice described. A first objective is to identify and implement an organizational and technological model of an integrated, collaborative, and interoperable information system, consistent with the strategic guidelines defined by AgID and in particular with the “Three-Year Plan for IT in the PA 2017 – 2019” recently approved, as well as compliant with current norms and technical rules. A second objective is the integration of policies for legality and transparency with the digitization strategies of public administration procedures. This allows the development of integrated paths that can enable the convergence of all administrative actions, ensuring their full sustainability. A third objective is the increase in skills through the sharing of activities at the basis of the good practice that the project aims to deploy in other realities interested in implementing the paths already tested by the transferring entities.
The objective of the project is to extend the technological and organizational model for the management of municipal social services to the Reusing Entities. This model, developed by the Donating Administrations, is already operational in the context of the Umbria Region and in around a hundred municipalities in Lombardy. This best practice has proven to be particularly effective in improving the capacity for planning territorial welfare interventions. On one hand, it reduces management costs and optimizes resource utilization for public administration; on the other, it enhances the quality of services for citizens. The project activities include defining the SIGeSS model for the Lazio region and deploying it in 15 municipalities, within the jurisdiction of Rome Capital and in the Lecce area (10 municipalities). The model will comply with the Regional Action Plans (PRA) of both regions and will integrate with the regional health systems for social planning requirements. AnciLab participated with seconded personnel.
The ATTIV@BILI project aims to implement a real scenario of social innovation in the context of smart cities and communities, designing and experimenting with organizational and ICT support models and tools that translate the management of the entire assistance cycle of a vulnerable person into digital processes. This person may need assistance, social, healthcare services, and, in general, support in facilities with varying levels of care intensity and at home over time. The project seeks to study and create a new model of a distributed service platform, inspired by the hybrid cloud paradigm, to provide secure access to public administration data and enable the development of new applications for public administration operators and their collaborators and partners.
- AREA 1: interventions aimed at analysing organizational management models of services derived from the monitoring of best practices, and more generally from activities experimented with so far in Lombard local authorities.
- AREA 2: interventions aimed at informing families, guiding dedicated personnel, supporting the training of plan office operators, and disseminating governance systems for local administrators on topics related to the organization of family assistance services.
The project involves the creation of a networking system of database for better management of the municipal territory, to promote the decentralization process, federalism, and combat tax evasion. (led by Municipality of Milan)
The project aims to develop actions for the coordination and integration of interventions for the school inclusion of disabled students in response to the directive “Implementation of system actions in the education and training sector for the use of resources from the National Social Policy Fund referred to in D.G.R. 215 of 27.05.2005.
The development of local governance that genuinely supports the economic and social improvement of a territory implies that the autonomous actions of the involved institutional subjects are oriented towards defining and implementing effective shared policies. Building institutional networks based on agreed-upon and dynamic rules capable of balancing divergent interests, adequately managing conflicts, and activating the participation of citizens and associations, represents a necessary condition to meet the challenges imposed by the designs of decentralization and federalism that have characterized recent constitutional and legislative changes.
- ACTION 171108 Dissemination of Basic Information and Communication Technology Skills
- ACTION 171109 Specialized Use of Environmental or Office Automation Software
- 2003 – Training project on management and development issues of the “Sportello Unico per le Imprese” (One-Stop Shop for Enterprises)
- 2003 – Information tools for revenue management in Local Authorities – Master funded by the ESF, organized with the University of Insubria
- 2003 – Communication tools and methods for the information society – Master funded by the ESF, organized with the University of Insubria
- 2003 – Design and management of Telematic Desks for Public Administration (One-Stop Shop for Productive Activities) – Master funded by the ESF, organized with the University of Insubria