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Waste Quality Service


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The Regulatory Authority (ARERA) with resolution no. 15/2022 has adopted the Unified Text for the regulation of the quality of urban waste management services (TQRIF), which provides for the introduction of a set of contractual and technical quality obligations, minimum and homogeneous for all managements, accompanied by quality indicators and related general standards differentiated for regulatory schemes.

Article 5 of the TQRIF provides that the Municipality approves the Charter of quality of the integrated urban waste management service. The Quality Charter is the document, drawn up in accordance with the current legislation, in which the obligations and levels of quality expected for the services provided and their methods of use are specified, including the rules of relationship between users and the manager of the urban waste management service.

AnciLab offers a specialist service to support Municipalities in complying with regulatory provisions. The service includes:

1. Preparation of the QUALITY CHARTER: Support for the drafting of the Quality Charter for services under the competence of the Municipality, including tariff management activities and the relationship with users, as well as consolidation into a single integrated Charter.
2. TARI REGULATION ADJUSTMENT: Assistance for updating the TARI Regulation in compliance with the TQRIF. This includes the adaptation of the procedures for activation, variation, and cessation of service, management of complaints and requests for correction of amounts, as well as written requests for information and payment methods.
3. MODULARITY ADJUSTMENT TO TQRIF and TITR: Support for the adaptation of forms to the provisions of the TQRIF, including forms for TARI activation/initial declaration, service variation or cessation, written complaints, requests for correction of charged amounts, and requests for payment instalment.
4. TRANSPARENCY OBLIGATIONS VIA WEBSITE: Provision of a computer application to create a section on the municipal website in compliance with the TITR requirements regarding transparency of the urban waste management service. This tool simplifies the visualization of the necessary information for compliance with the information obligation.


AnciLab will acquire the necessary documentation through a document exchange platform accessible to the Municipality’s designated representative. Access to the platform will be activated upon contract subscription. AnciLab will verify the completeness of the documentation and initiate the service, with any online meetings with the Municipality for clarifications. At the end of the activity, the updated documentation will be returned in text format via the platform and via Certified Email (PEC) to the Municipality.


AnciLab acquisirà la documentazione necessaria tramite una piattaforma di interscambio documentale accessibile al referente designato dal Comune. L’accesso alla piattaforma sarà attivato con la sottoscrizione del contratto. AnciLab verificherà la completezza della documentazione e avvierà il servizio, con eventuali incontri online con il Comune per chiarimenti. Al termine dell’attività, la documentazione aggiornata sarà restituita in formato testo tramite la piattaforma e via PEC al Comune.


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Procurement Procedures

The service of procurement procedures can be managed through the e-procurement platforms of Regione Lombardia (SINTEL) and/or the digital marketplace for purchases below the EU threshold for goods, services, and maintenance works (MEPA).

For information, contact:

Email Disc Solid Red

Lucio Franco