The Regulatory Authority (ARERA) has adopted the method for determining tariff revenues for urban waste management for the period 2022/2025 (MTR-2). In Lombardy, the Municipality plays a fundamental role in approving the Financial Economic Plan (PEF) of the service. The role of the Municipality in this process is defined by Article 7 of the resolution as follows:
1. Receipt of the PEF prepared by the operator.
2. Consolidation of the PEF through integration and/or modification according to criteria functional to the recognition of efficient investment and operating costs provided by the MTR-2.
3. Validation of the PEF (Completeness, Coherence, and Consistency of data).
4. Assumption of the determination of approval of the PEF and the “tariff proposal.”
5. Transmission to ARERA of the “tariff proposal” and the user tariffs accompanied by the relevant resolutions.
AnciLab offers municipalities a specialist service to ensure professionalism and impartiality in this validation process, which includes two levels:
a) PEF VALIDATION (basic service):
– Verification of thoroughness, coherence, and consistency of cost elements reported in the PEF compared to the operators’ accounting data.
- Verification of compliance with the methodology provided by MTR-2 for the determination of recognized costs.
- Verification of the economic-financial balance of the service provided by the operator.
- Remote activities, with online meetings if necessary.
b) MANAGEMENT OF CRITICAL ISSUES SUPPORT (optional and integrative service):
- Planned interventions to resolve complex critical issues emerged during the validation phase.
- Involvement of experts in different disciplines.
- Analysis, insights, and meetings with the Municipality and the Operator to resolve specific problems.
AnciLab will acquire the necessary documentation through a document exchange platform accessible to the Municipality’s designated representative. Access to the platform will be activated upon contract subscription. AnciLab will verify the completeness of the documentation and initiate the service, with any online meetings with the Municipality for clarifications. At the end of the activity, the updated documentation will be returned in text format via the platform and via PEC (Certified Email) to the Municipality.
AnciLab will acquire the necessary documentation through a document exchange platform accessible to the Municipality’s designated representative. Access to the platform will be activated upon contract subscription. AnciLab will verify the completeness of the documentation and initiate the service, with online meetings with the Municipality for clarifications. At the end of the activity, the updated documentation will be returned in text format via the platform and via PEC (Certified Email) to the Municipality.