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Strategie Amministrative


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Since 2007, AnciLab has been the publisher of StrategieAmministrative. The magazine was founded in 2002 by Anci Lombardia to inform and update its readers on the activities of the Association and the best practices undertaken at the local level by the Municipalities, as well as to offer insights into current issues and regulatory updates.

The print magazine, printed in over 20,000 copies and sent free of charge to all elected local administrators in Lombardy, is complemented by the website which provides news from the territories.

Strategie Amministrative periodically publishes in-depth specials in collaboration with companies committed to disseminating innovation among local authorities, presenting their solutions realistically and attractively to a selected and attentive audience.


In 2017, AnciLab launched a new editorial project aimed at disseminating specialized knowledge within public administration, stakeholders, and professionals in the private sector.

Experts with years of experience in their respective fields propose concise texts that explain, in a simple and clear manner, the steps to follow to realize, for example, public structures tailored to citizens.


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