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Benefit, ESG & Accountability Lab


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In the last decade, sustainability has become a fundamental pillar in the public sphere and in our daily lives, influencing government policies, local decisions, and initiatives by private entities and citizens.

The turning point was marked by the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the 193 member countries of the UN in September 2015, which set a key direction in global strategies. This holistic approach to sustainability embraces environmental, economic, and social dimensions, pushing towards intergenerational equity.

Benefit companies emerge as new key players in this scenario, embodying a business model committed to generating positive impacts not only economically but also socially and environmentally. These entities stand out for their commitment to balancing profit and collective well-being, demonstrating that it is possible to reconcile business success and social responsibility.

AnciLab, a concrete example of this evolution, has integrated the goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda into its activities, stressing the importance of an integrated and sustainable approach to corporate development. AnciLab’s transition to a benefit company has been characterized by a journey of growth and adaptation, culminating in 2022 with the willing of exploring this new corporate identity.

AnciLab’s journey towards sustainability includes the creation of integrated reports that reflect a broad conception of corporate value, beyond mere economic and financial aspects and including human, social, and relational values. This vision translates into a business model that privileges an “integrated thinking,” recognizing that value is generated through dynamics of exchange and continuous transformation.

As AnciLab celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2024, with a new name and a renewed corporate mission, the change underscores the urgency of collective commitment to more sustainable practices. Benefit Companies represent a step forward in reimagining the role of business in society, promoting a positive impact that goes beyond profit to embrace collective well-being and environmental protection.


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