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Skills at the Core


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We recognize the universal right to education and training, firmly believing that everyone should have the necessary resources to thrive in a dynamic world.

Our commitment to education aligns with United Nations Goal 4 for quality education and lifelong learning. With a special focus on local communities, we emphasize learning as an endless journey, crucial in today’s rapidly changing society.

In an era where skills are constantly evolving and the demand for skilled workers, even in municipalities, is on the rise, skill growth becomes a crucial element in ensuring individual success, improving working conditions, and strengthening local economies.

This is particularly relevant given the current job market, where the demand for skills is constantly changing. That’s why we offer training programs that prepare individuals to be competitive and adaptable.

The essence of our approach also ties back to United Nations Goal 8, aiming for sustainable economic growth and decent work for all. Through our initiatives, we aspire to have a positive impact both locally and globally, pursuing a vision where every individual can achieve their full potential. We are working for:


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Training programs

Fostering lifelong learning: we promote training and skills certification programs aimed at qualifying or requalifying young people and adults.

Professional requalification

Promoting professional requalification: we emphasize the need for continuous training and professional requalification. We launch specific programs aimed at local government employees to ensure they can adapt to the changing needs of the public job market. These courses, designed to provide both transversal and specific skills, help individuals remain competitive, facilitating a smooth transition between different possible roles in their career evolution.

Active Participation in European Projects

We are committed to improving people’s employability through training, thereby contributing to their social inclusion and the well-being of the communities they live in. We carry out initiatives such as “Zerosei” and “Nidigratis” which aim to strengthen home/work balance initiatives.

Promoting Employability and Social Inclusion

We are committed to improving people’s employability through training, thereby contributing to their social inclusion and the well-being of the communities they live in. We carry out initiatives such as “Zerosei” and “Nidigratis” which aim to strengthen home/work balance initiatives.


With a particular focus on local communities, we emphasize learning as an endless journey, essential in today's rapidly evolving society.

Diversity and inclusion

Green transition

Legality, Trust, and Participation

Digital transition